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Les Hurleurs Blanc

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Les Hurleurs Blanc Empty Les Hurleurs Blanc

Message par Nihahsah N’Diaye Mer 21 Jan - 14:26

Les Hurleurs Blanc 14218654677248Sans_titre_1

Si la chute des Bunyips était la plus vide de sens et celle des Croatans la plus noble, a chute des Hurleurs Blanc à été la plus préjudiciable pour l’ensemble de la nation Garou. Leur corruption et renaissance en tant que Danseurs de la Spirale noire à donné au Ver un net avantage dans la guerre. Mais à leur apogée, les Hurleurs blancs étaient une tribu de guerriers féroces et implacables, crainte à juste titre par les forces du Ver.

Les Hurleurs blancs étaient étroitement liés au peuple picte de ce qui est maintenant l'Ecosse (Anciennement Calédonie). Ils se seraient parfois aventurés sur les terres principales pour de glorieuses batailles, mais n’y seraient pas resté bien longtemps. Leurs liens étroits à leur terre ont limité leur nombre, mais leur emprise sur leur territoire était absolue. Réclamer une seule de leurs collines était aussi dur que de les emmener sur la mer. Beaucoup de Théurges ont tenté de reconstituer les rituels et les pratiques spirituelles des Hurleurs Blancs. Ils avaient la réputation d’être d’excellent pisteurs et d’avoir des liens avec étranges et secrets les esprits des grottes abyssales et de la brume. Ainsi une certaine morbidité c’est glissée dans leur tradition spirituelle. Ils chassaient les fantômes pour le sport, mettaient au défi des esprits de la mort, et certains d’entre eux passaient même du temps à méditer dans des tumulus gelés sur leur propre mortalité.

Les Enfants de Lion étaient sauvages et passionnés, même selon les critères de leurs proches voisins Fianna et Fenris. Ils exultaient aussi sauvagement que n’importe quel Fianna, mais leurs amours les plus profond étaient bataille et la chasse. Quand ils ne pouvaient trouver aucune force du Ver à traquer chasser et déchirer membre par membre, ils pratiquaient de vastes bagarres rituelles entre eux pour perfectionner leurs compétences et  libérer leur Rage. Ces batailles pouvaient devenir assez sanglantes, mais les liens tribaux des Hurleurs étaient trop forts pour laisser aucune rancune en résultant les déchirer. Ils s’aventuraient fréquemment dans l’Umbra à la recherche d'une proie digne qui ne pouvait être trouvé dans le domaine physique. Mais leur bravoure exubérante et leurs liens étroits provoquèrent également leur chute.
Lorsque certains de leurs meilleurs pisteurs rapportèrent des nouvelles d’un chemin menant à Malféas, et la tribu s’enflamma avec des rêves de gloire surpassant tout. Combattre le Ver dans son antre ! Ils rallièrent l’intégralité de la tribu, nécessité pour une tâche de cette ampleur. Ils lancèrent un appel à leurs frères, chaque tribu afin qu'ils les accompagnent dans cette lutte qui les concernaient tous. A la grande honte de chaque tribu aujourd'hui seul le silence leur répondit. Puis ils partirent dans la fosse. Là, ils ont dansé la Spirale Noire. Là, ils sont tombés. Un seul, Cororuc, s’échappa des griffes ses frères et rejoint un sept Fianna à proximité. Il les avertit de ce qui s’était passé avant de mourir comme le dernier des Hurleurs Blancs.
Les Fianna et les Hurleurs blancs se sont combattus pendant longtemps. Puis lorsque le Ver est arrivé sur leurs terres ils se sont alliés. Mais après leur chute les Fiannas profitèrent de l'affaiblissement de leur partenaire pour leur prendre leurs Caerns, puis leur parentèle en assimilant les pictes.
Aujourd'hui, l’histoire des Hurleurs blanc sert de leçon d'avertissement aux jeunes Garou, une mise en garde contre le trop plein d'orgueil. Les Bunyips sont mort tragiquement, mais ce ne fut une faute de leur part, la mort des Croatans fut un noble sacrifice, mais celle des Hurleurs Blanc n'a contribué à rien, tandis que leur chute profita au Ver. Pourtant, certains Garou ne peuvent s’empêcher de se demander si c’est vraiment la fin de l’histoire. La lignée des Danseurs existe encore, et Lion est toujours actif. Les anciens grognent que l'espoir d'un dernier Hurleur blanc est un espoir vain, mais dans chaque génération naissent quelques rares petits qui redonnent l’espoir.

Les Hurleurs Blanc 14218458725336Sans_titre_2
Apparence : Les Hurleurs blanc issus d’une lignée pure se manifeste par une toison blanche sans aucun défaut, ils ont généralement une fourrure argent ou blanche avec des marques grises-noires les rendant presque invisible le long des rivages brumeux ou dans les profondeurs des forêts les plus sombres. Ils étaient une tribu robuste mais agile, avec une grâce presque féline, dans leurs formes animales comme dans leurs formes humaines. Ils étaient également friands de guède et de tatouages en spirales pour se distinguer. Ils étaient tous exclusivement picte de naissance, sauf pour quelques accidents avec les peuples voisins.

Parentèle et Territoire : Les Hurleurs blancs ont eu une forte présence dans les îles britanniques, en particulier la partie nord de la Calédonie. Ils ont été étroitement liés avec le destin leur parentèle picte. Ils tendaient à entretenir leur lignage homidé avec ferveur, mais avaient néanmoins plusieurs meutes de loups. L’œil sévère qu’ils ont gardé sur leur parentèle les vouera à les suivre dans leur chute. Ils furent rapidement en mesure de capturer leur parentèle – qui servirent de bêtes d'élevage une fois qu'ils devinrent Danseurs de la Spirale Noire. Les seuls qui auraient pu échapper à ce sombre destin l'auraient fait en passant sous la protection des Fianna et leurs lignées auraient été absorbés dans les lignées Fiannas au cours des siècles.

Totem tribal : Lion, plus spécifiquement le lion européen des temps passés.
Lion a enseigné à ses enfants une grande fraternité et une fierté encore plus grande. Dans les temps modernes, Lion à rejoint la couvée de Griffon, et les Griffes Rouges,  les nourrissant de sa colère et de ses blessures. Les Hurleurs Blanc suivaient également de nombreux autres totems, des bêtes naturelles telles que Vautour comme d'étranges bêtes mythiques tels que Kelpie ou Âme du Cairn.

Volonté de départ: 3

Les Hurleurs Blanc 14218454527431Capture_d_ecran_2015_01_21_a_14.02.54

Dernière édition par Nihahsah N’Diaye le Jeu 29 Jan - 14:19, édité 8 fois
Nihahsah N’Diaye
Nihahsah N’Diaye
Pj Héritage

Messages : 105
Date d'inscription : 10/01/2014

Fiche de personnage
Lignage: Homidé
Auspice: Eclipse Solaire (Unity-Crowned)
Tribu: Karna


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Les Hurleurs Blanc Empty Re: Les Hurleurs Blanc

Message par Nihahsah N’Diaye Mer 21 Jan - 14:27

Atouts & Handicaps spécifiques aux Hurleurs Blancs

imperméabilité climatologique (1 pt. Merit)
Vous avez grandi dans des environnements extrêmes, et vous avez appris à ignorer tout ce à quoi les cruels dieux du climat pourraient vous soumettre. Toutes les pénalités environnementales qui sont liées aux conditions météorologiques sont réduites de moitié (arrondies à l'inférieur).

Sens de l’orientation (1 pt. Merit)
Votre sens de l'orientation est infaillible. Même sous terre, vous savez toujours retrouver la direction du nord, et vous avez -1 à toutes les difficultés pour trouver votre chemin.

Affinité souterraine (3 pt. Merit)
L’un des devoirs sacrés des Hurleurs était de chasser les serviteurs du Ver qui s’enfouissent sous la surface de la terre. Vous êtes particulièrement adapté à cette tâche et gagnez trois dés supplémentaires pour n’importe quelle action, y compris le combat, qui ont lieu sous terre. À la discrétion du Conteur, cela peut aussi s’appliquer à des environnements tels que les grottes dans des montagnes, etc.

Boussole des tumulus (1 pt. Merit)
Il peut être déroutant de naviguer dans les profondeurs de la terre, en particulier pour les créatures qui sont habitués à vivre au dessus du niveau du sol. Vous n’avez pas de telles difficultés; il est presque impossible pour vous de vous perdre en souterrain. Vous avez un dé supplémentaire pour toute tentative de vous déplacer, lire une carte, surmonter les obstacles liés au terrain. À la discrétion du Conteur, cela peut aussi s’appliquer à des environnements tels que les grottes dans des montagnes, etc.

Sens du foyer (2 pt. Merit)
Il ya un endroit, ou un personne, avec qui vous partagez un lien si fort que vous puissiez les retrouver, peu importe la distance. Sens du foyer vous mènera à votre destination malgré la distance, les conditions météorologiques, ou même une intervention surnaturelle. Choisissez votre focus (un personnage ou un lieu avec lequel vous êtes intimement lié).
Même s’il est possible de changer de focus, ces liens demandent de longs moments et d'affections pour les créer, et s’ils peuvent éventuellement changé, ils ne peuvent pas être réinitialisés à loisir.
En temps normal suivre ce lien ne demande pas de  test. Pour des obstacles majeurs (Montagne, blizzard, etc…) il faut effectuer un test de Perception + Vigilance. La difficulté est de 6 avec des variables potentielles : +1 par mois passé au loin, +1 pour un climat extrême, +3 pour une interférence non naturelle ou une distance de plus de 500 Km.

Perspicace (2 pt. Merit)
Vous reconnaissez les qualités intérieures de ceux autour de vous, qu’ils soient bon ou mauvais, et n’êtes pas facilement dupé. Ceux qui utilisent Subterfuges ou des tromperies similaire contre vous ajoutent +2 à leur difficulté, et vous réduisez vos propre difficultés de 2 lorsque vous essayer de capter les intentions de quelqu’un.

Bon instinct (3 pt. Merit)
Vous avez une capacité naturelle pour les situations impliquant des réponses instinctives plutôt que liées la logique ou rationnelles. Cet avantage fait de vous un compagnon idéal dans les terres sauvages, où l'action à la priorité sur la pensée. Vous faites tous les jets impliquant Appel Primal ou de Survie à difficulté -2.

Humeur massacrante (2 pt. Flaw)
Vous souffrez d’une colère perpétuelle, et cela est visible dans vos paroles et vos actions et vous êtes prompts à perdre votre sang-froid facilement. Parce que vous êtes souvent tellement en colère, vous pouvez trouver difficile d'accumuler de la Rage étant donné que la colère est votre état normal, et il vous est difficile de la concentrer en quelque chose de plus puissant.
Chaque fois que vous rencontrez une situation qui entraînerait normalement dans votre Gagner un point de Rage, vous devez faire un jet de volonté (difficulté 6) à ce qu'ils sont.

Amitié avec les fantômes (2 pt. Merit)
Il y a quelque chose avec vous que les fantômes trouvent attrayant. Lors d’interaction Sociales avec des fantômes (pas des esprits ou des ancêtres) vos difficultés sont réduites de 2.

Dernière édition par Nihahsah N’Diaye le Dim 25 Jan - 16:21, édité 3 fois
Nihahsah N’Diaye
Nihahsah N’Diaye
Pj Héritage

Messages : 105
Date d'inscription : 10/01/2014

Fiche de personnage
Lignage: Homidé
Auspice: Eclipse Solaire (Unity-Crowned)
Tribu: Karna


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Les Hurleurs Blanc Empty Re: Les Hurleurs Blanc

Message par Nihahsah N’Diaye Mer 21 Jan - 14:54

White Howler Gifts

Level One **************************************************************************

Blood Scent
A Garou with this Gift finds it easier to track down any human, beast, or supernatural being whose blood she has tasted. Those who possess it often wound an enemy and then use this Gift to track their quarry back to its den.
A hound-spirit teaches this gift.

System: Once learned, this Gift’s effects are permanent. The Garou gains two additional dice on any roll made to track prey whose blood she has tasted. These dice also apply to the use of tracking Gifts such as Sense Prey.

Death Sight
The werewolf’s eyes become cloudy and pale as she attunes her vision to the ashen landscape of the Underworld.
An owl-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Occult (difficulty 7). For the rest of the scene, the character can see (and hear) ghosts and detect haunted areas with another Perception + Occult roll (difficulty corresponds to the severity of the haunting). This Gift bestows no power to touch or communicate with the dead, however — that usually requires the use of the Descent into the Underworld rite (see p. 213). A botch causes the Garou’s eyes to shine as beacons in the underworld, drawing the notice of broken, vengeful shades.

Desperate Strength
The werewolf calls on desperate reserves for a sudden surge of strength.
A badger-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: When rolling a Feat of Strength (see p. 270), the werewolf may add one die to the roll for each level of bashing damage he willingly accepts as the price of this Gift.

Haunting Howl
One of the howl-Gifts peculiar to the tribe, this eerie cry often echoed across the desolate moors prior to a White Howler raid.

System: Roll Charisma + Intimidation, difficulty 7; all enemies within earshot of the werewolf’s howl suffer a +1 difficulty to Willpower rolls for three turns per success. Willpower expenditures are unaffected. No foe can be affected by more than one use of this Gift per scene.

Primal Anger
The metis gives of herself to feed the Rage in her heart, burning away her very blood and muscle in the process.
The spirits of ancient metis teach this Gift; few members of other breeds have endured enough shame and suffering to learn it.

System: The character may inflict a single level of aggravated damage on herself once per scene, and gain three points of Rage in exchange (even if doing so takes her beyond her permanent Rage rating).

Sense Wyrm
The werewolf can sense nearby manifestations of the Wyrm. This Gift involves a mystical sense, not a visual or olfactory image, although Garou often describe the Wyrm’s spiritual emanations as a stench. This Gift doesn’t necessarily sense dedication to the Wyrm, merely contact with its spiritual essence, which can cling to even blameless souls. Sense Wyrm requires active concentration; the spiritual sense it provides doesn’t function passively.
The Gift may be taught by any Gaian spirit.

System: The player rolls Perception + Occult. The difficulty depends on the concentration and strength of the Wyrm’s influence: sensing a single fomor in the next room would be difficulty 6, while detecting the stench of a Bane that was in the room an hour ago would be difficulty 7. Vampires register as Wyrm-tainted, save those with Humanity ratings of 7 or higher.

Level Two ***************************************************************************

Howls in the Night
The werewolf sends a full-throated howl shivering into the night sky, evoking primal terror in Gaia’s enemies. Creatures of the Wyrm who hear the howl find themselves troubled and unable to rest easily while their enemies are on the prowl.
A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). Creatures of the Wyrm who hear the howl will be jolted awake if asleep, and rendered unable to sleep for the next (successes x3) hours.

Howl of the Banshee
The werewolf emits a fearful howl that causes those who hear it to run in terror.
A Banshee - a mournful spirit of the dead - teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Intimidation. All who hear the howl must roll Willpower (difficulty 8; 6 for allies of the White Howler) or flee in terror for one turn per success on the Garou’s roll.

Lion’s Bite
Lion teaches his children many things, including some combat tactics that are more at home amongst the big cats than the canids. Garou with this Gift gains an unerring ability to bite down on the throat of their prey, crushing its windpipe, choking it to unconsciousness, or even strangling it outright.
This Gift is taught by avatars of Lion himself.

System: The effects of this Gift are permanent. After declaring the Lion’s Bite attack and making a successful Strength + Brawl roll, a Garou with this Gift does its normal bite damage and establishes a choking hold on her target. Each successive round, the target may make a resisted Strength roll in an attempt to break free of the hold. The target may attempt to take actions other than trying to break the hold, but any such action is at +2 difficulty. If the target doesn’t break the hold for a number of rounds equal to twice her Stamina, she is rendered unconscious. Once a target is unconscious, she takes a level of lethal damage from the hold each turn, and cannot regenerate this damage until the hold is released.

The White Howlers were hardy enough to shrug off the effects of pain, but some learned the trick of letting their pain fuel them. The wounds of a White Howler actually gave him strength, allowing him to achieve great feats of might at the cost of his own blood.

System: When the character is first wounded, the player may choose to spend a Rage point to activate this Gift. For the remainder of the scene, the character gains one dot of Strength for every die of wound penalties he suffers from. In addition, wound penalties do not affect his Strength score or damage pools (although they affect any Strength + Ability pools). Thus, a character at Wounded would lose two dice from most dice pools, but actually gain two dice to his Strength score. If the character ignores wound penalties (due to frenzy or Resist Pain), he does not gain the bonus Strength.

Spectral Authority
Names hold great power in the spirit world, and the Garou may exploit this to summon and command any ghost she knows by name. Only one command may be given, and the spirit departs immediately after fulfilling it.
This gift is taught by a wolf-spirit.

System: The Garou must know the name of the ghost she wishes to summon. The player rolls Charisma + Leadership (difficulty equal to the ghost’s Willpower).

Level Three *************************************************************************

Blooding Fury
Those who fought alongside them often wondered whether the White Howlers were the masters of their Rage, or their Rage was the master of them. This Gift is one of the reasons for that concern. By wounding herself, the Garou is able to tap into a fresh reservoir of Rage. This gift is taught by a fire-spirit.

System: The Garou must injure herself with a claw or bite; the character takes one level of unsoakable aggravated damage and regains all her temporary Rage.
This Gift can only be used once per scene.

Ley Lines
By manipulating ley lines — a spiritual grid that crisscrosses the planet — the White Howler can disorient would-be trackers or hunters. The victims of this Gift find themselves following false trails, making wrong turns or walking in circles.
An earth-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty 7). Any attempt to track the Garou must begin with a successful Perception + Occult roll (difficulty 8), garnering more successes than the Garou’s player. Otherwise, the tracker’s attempt to follow the Howler will automatically botch.

Sense of the Deep
Up until the Fall, Lion’s tribe was convinced it was their duty to Gaia to hunt down Her enemies even beneath the surface of the earth. This Gift aided them in their endeavors to fight Wyrm-things in their own burrows.

System: This Gift’s effects are permanent once learned. While underground, the werewolf automatically knows which direction is north, and can instinctively retrace his path to the exit. (Note that this direction sense can be tampered with by other supernatural powers, as happened in the Hive where the Fall took palace.) The character can also see in darkness underground without suffering any dice pool penalties or added difficulty; this works much as the metis Gift: Eyes of the Cat, but only while the Garou is underground.

The White Howlers can mark a land as their own by carving sigils in stone in the area, he doesn’t need to patrol his hunting ground to know what transpires there. With but a moment of concentration, he may extend his senses to any area he has marked. Stones marked in this way can be used over and over by the Garou who carved them. The werewolf reactivates the gift by adding additional details to the stone in question.
This Gift is taught by a wolf-spirit.

System: The White Howler must first mark one or more areas with his sigils. He may have a number of marked locations equal to his Gnosis (and doesn’t have to establish such a mark in every place that he put sigils). Thereafter, the player may roll Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7) to extend his senses to that location. The character can sense the area as though standing in the same place he was in when he marked the area originally. The scent marks last for one week per dot of Gnosis the character possesses (for wilderness) or one day per dot of Gnosis (for urban environments).

Waking the Dead
This gift creates a shadowy representation of a fallen individual (human, Kin, or Garou) and allows the werewolf to ask it a few questions. The shade created is neither a ghost nor a spirit, and possesses no knowledge that was not known to the individual before their death. This Gift can only be used once on any given corpse.

System: The Garou spends one or more points of Gnosis and touches the dead body. A shadowy figure that resembles the fallen individual rises from the corpse, and will truthfully answer one simple question for every point of Gnosis that the Garou spent when activating the Gift. Its answers will be no longer than one sentence per question. After asking the last question, or at the end of the scene, the shade disappears and this Gift can never be used on that individual again. If the Gift is used on the undead, they will remember nothing after their first mortal death; vampires cannot answer questions about things that happened during their unlife, for example.

Level Four **************************************************************************

Call Elemental
This Gift was used to create many of the dolman mounds and hilled fortresses used by the Pictish tribes during the White Howler’s association with them. The Garou is able to call one of the four classic elementals to his aid (earth, air, fire or water).
An elemental teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty is equal to the area’s Gauntlet). She must then roll Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 7) to make the summoned elemental amenable to helping her. The elemental vanishes at the end of the scene.

Collapse the Barrow
In a land plagued with subterranean Wyrm-pits, the ability to destroy the structural integrity of an underground lair was priceless to the White Howlers. By using this gift, the werewolf is able to collapse an earthen or stone structure or tunnel in upon itself, making it much more difficult for it to be re-used for evil purposes.

System: The Garou spends a point of Gnosis and touches the floor, ceiling, or walls of the targeted structure. The player makes a Strength + Occult roll (difficulty 6). The difficulty increases or decreases with the structural integrity and craftsmanship involved in creating the target; 4 for a quickly dug burrow; 5 for a hastily built rock hut; 7 for a stone cave or natural rock tunnel; 9 for a masterful stone broch tower.
For each success, a 5-foot section of the structure collapses. This Gift does not cleanse the area, and simply collapsing a pit creates a festering magnet for Banes and other Wyrm-creatures. Because of this, Collapse the Barrow is most often used on the way back out of a pit, after the inhabitants have been dealt with, and the area within has been ritually cleansed.

Hero’s Stand
The White Howler channels the power of Gaia herself, becoming one with the earth upon which he stands. Though he may not retreat or even move from the spot for the duration of the Gift, he gains many powers through Gaia’s might.
An earth elemental teaches this Gift.

System: The player rolls Willpower (difficulty 8). Each success grants one extra die to all Physical dice pools. In addition, the Garou may not be surprised, and all attacks are considered frontal. The Garou may not move until all foes have been defeated or have fled.

Maddening Howl
This howl-Gift represents one of the White Howlers’ worst weapons, a terrible ululating wail that bends the minds of those who hear it to the breaking point. Only White Howlers are immune to the howl.

System: The player spends one point of Rage and one point of Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Performance, difficulty 7; all non-White Howlers within earshot may roll Willpower, difficulty 7, to resist. If the player gains more successes than the victim, the victim is driven mad for the duration of the scene.
Victims are treated as if they were affected by the “Catatonic Fear,” “Panic,” “Disbelief,” “Berserk,” or “Terror” effects on the Delirium chart (pg. 263). The Storyteller chooses the specific effect, although the Gift’s effects tend to be random rather than governed by the victim’s personality.

Visions of Slaughter
This frightening curse comes from the White Howler’s practice of bonding with the ghosts of slain animals. By marking a person with his spit, blood, or other bodily fluids, the werewolf can curse his victim to be haunted with visions of any animal or individual killed by his actions (or inaction). Even animals can be driven to distraction by visions of prey animals that are always within view but cannot be touched. This Gift is, of course, of little use against the truly innocent, but against the soldiers, shapeshifters, and vampires that werewolves most commonly face, it has terrible power.
This gift is taught by serpent-spirits.

System: The Garou must mark the victim with her bodily fluids, then the player rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). The victim is haunted by bloody visions of any living creature larger than an insect dead by her hands. The visions last for one day per success. The more deaths the victim has been responsible for, the more vivid and distracting the visions.
Each day, the victim must make a Willpower roll to avoid losing a temporary point of Willpower. The difficulty of this roll ranges from 4 to 9; 4 for an all-but-innocent who has only set mouse traps and accidentally run over an opossum; 7 for an average Garou, and 9 for a vampire with centuries of slaughter on his hands.
The amount of remorse the character would ordinarily feel has no bearing on the curse; a vampire who cares nothing for the people he’s drained to death will still be horribly distracted as his victims appear far more real and far more frequently. While the Gift is in effect, the victim cannot recover temporary Willpower. Once the victim’s temporary Willpower has been reduced to half of the permanent score, all rolls (other than soak or damage rolls) are at +1 difficulty until the Gift’s effects pass.

Level Five ***************************************************************************

Fog on the Moor
This Gift transforms the White Howler into a ghostly outline of himself, allowing him to pass through anything except silver as though he were incorporeal. He may communicate and strike opponents normally. He cannot be harmed by anything except silver; all incoming attacks pass harmlessly through him.
A fog-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7) to instantly assume a ghostly form. Each success allows the character to stay in that form for one turn, though he may change back at will. The character cannot regenerate while in this form.

Gaia’s Vengeance
The White Howler calls upon the Mother herself to strike on his behalf. The terrain responds as best it can: Rocks roll and smash, vines constrict, and water sucks victims under.
An avatar of Gaia herself teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point and one Rage point, then rolls Charisma + Primal-urge (difficulty of the local Gauntlet). The exact effects depend on the terrain and are left to the Storyteller.

Howl of Healing
The White Howler tribe is closely knit, sharing a bond rivaled by few others. This tie allows them to channel healing in a fashion others can only aspire to.

System: The werewolf howls. The player spends one Gnosis point and makes an Intelligence + Expression roll (difficulty 7). Every White Howler (or their Kin) who can hear the howl heals one point of lethal, bashing, or aggravated damage per success. This howl cannot be amplified, communicated, or assisted through natural, artificial, or supernatural means, else it loses its effectiveness.

Mad Strength
The greatest White Howlers were even more terrifying when they succumbed to their Rage. When he is driven to the breaking point, the werewolf’s strength is massively increased. Werewolves affected by this Gift undergo a bodily change when berserk; their thews bulge and twist disproportionately, giving them an almost monstrous appearance.

System: The character gains two extra dice of Strength and one extra die of Stamina whenever she enters a berserk frenzy (or Thrall of the Wyrm). Once learned, the Gift’s effects are permanent.

White Fire
This Gift calls on the sacred bone-fires used by the White Howlers to ensure that the fallen return to the cycle rather than becoming ghosts or worse. By summoning this holy fire, the werewolf can hurl a stream of blinding white flames from his hand, searing the flesh from the bones of his foes.

System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Dexterity + Occult (difficulty 6). The bone-fire inflicts six dice of aggravated damage, plus one die for every extra success on the attack roll. In addition, if the victim suffers more than three levels of damage after soak he is blinded for the duration of the scene.
Nihahsah N’Diaye
Nihahsah N’Diaye
Pj Héritage

Messages : 105
Date d'inscription : 10/01/2014

Fiche de personnage
Lignage: Homidé
Auspice: Eclipse Solaire (Unity-Crowned)
Tribu: Karna


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